Saturday, September 22, 2012

stress bust

It's a printscreen of what I drew a while ago using SAI. For some reason, it "uncracked" itself. Now I only have an expired trial version that doesn't allow me to save and export anything. 
..get the pun? no? corny?  :P

So... hm updates...

Ideas come rarely lately even if I'm itching to make something (a book cover perhaps). But, I'm never happy with anything about my drawings and it's stopping me from actually drawing xD other than unsatisfactory income, this unending irritation is probably the main reason why I didn't choose drawing as a career.
Plus, it's sad that my brain doesn't work like how I would want it to: ideas should come in fast even if I'm not inspired.

Well, I'm still struggling and trying to keep my sanity. xD

Romance is overrated.

I wish I'm one of those people who're in love with life.

My thoughts are all over the place. How do you clean it up?